Jumat, 13 April 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

1. may
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Formal  permission              :
2. Less than 50% certainty   : Economics may appear to be the study of complicated tables and charts, statistics and numbers, but, more specifically, it is the study of what constitutes rational human behavior in the endeavor to fulfill needs and wants.
2. might
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Less than 50% certainty   : A student might be interested in labour economics as a topic but their research issue must be much more narrow.
2. Polite request                                  :
3. should
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1.Advisability                         : That is employees should fully understand about issues that affect their working atmosphere (Magner et al. (1996).
2. 90% Certainty                                 : All these approaches should be avoided if managers want to minimize employee turnover an increase organisational competitiveness in this environment of globalization.
4.ought to
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Advisability                         : It ought to be changed for a money tax, and the repair of the roads let out by contract with security, in divisions of from one mile to five.
2. 90% Certainty                                 : But it does not provide any instruction on what policy ought to be followed.
5.had better
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Advisability with threat of bad result : Korean women and men, for example, differed from Americans and Dutch in reporting more distress over rivals who had better financial prospects, better joh prospects, and higher status and prestige.
6. be supposed to
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Expectation                         : A captive of the banks it is supposed to regulate.
7. be to
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Strong Expectation             : Task characteristics have been found to be potential determinants of turnover among employees.
8. must
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Strong necessary                 : We must definitively punish anyone who steals information from American companies.
2. 95% Certainty                     : They must be the possessors of the product which they wish to exchange.
9. have to
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Necessity                             : The economy will have to rev up more substantially for the unemployment rate to keep falling.
2. Lack of Necessity (negative) : They’re easy to plan, and you don’t have to worry about where you’ll eat or how you’ll get from point A to point B.
10. have got to
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Necessity                             : I think you've got to get the policy settings as finely tuned as you possibly can.
11. will
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. 100% Certainty                   : This crisis will bring the EU nations together under a single leader and political system.
2. Polite request                     :Will India be able to tide over the present economic crisis ?
12. be going to
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. 100% Certainty                   : It is going to be for a long period of time.
2. Definite Plan                       : The investments in clean energy in years to come are going to be very important, of course, it is a feature of the Government's clean energy future package.
13. can
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Ability / Possibility             : We can start with two definitions that seem relevant here.
2. Informal Polite Request      : Can Consumers & Taxpayers Be Saved From The Bonus-Crazed Financial Sector?
14. could
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Less Than 50% Certainty    : Empowerment of employees could help to enhance the
continuity of employees in organisations.
2. Impossibility (negative only) : Because the economy crisis couldn’t be controlled successfully.
15. be able to
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Ability                                 : The English speaking world needs the inflow of capital to be able to finance their current account deficits and maintain domestic liquidity.
16. would
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Preference                           : But it would seem at least as true that courses in ethics and religious studies are unlikely to confront either economic arguments or economic data that relate to their subjects.
2. Repeated Action In The Past :
17. used to
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Repeated Action In The Past : Using economic model they showed that people quit from organization due to economic reasons and these can be used to predict the labour turnover in the market.
18. shall
Uses (Present / Future )           :
1. Polite Question To Make a Suggestion: Dubai Economic Outlook: Let’s keep it real, shall we?
2. Future with “I” or “we” as subject : I shall explain by what follows.

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